Today, everyone is a curator. Of design or words, of cinema or technology. Whether creating a collection of fine art or graphic fonts, the curator culls and convenes, framing viewpoints while widening perspectives, to shape and shift how others see and share the world. These curated points of view, and the stories they tell, fuel innovation, creativity and collaboration—and serve as the inspiration behind Modern Curator Collection No. 1.

Moody and a little edgy, the Modern Curator Collection No. 1 comprises three distinct patterns designed to creatively coexist—or strongly stand alone. Look Sharp™ makes room for every observer to step inside and share their story. A finely composed texture, it is formed and orderly with a slightly less predictable blend of soft, pooling hues and shades. Seeing Things™ captures the moment with both the urgency of the present and our memories of the past. Like found objects bound together, its positive and negative spaces form geometries that are entirely new, yet deeply familiar. Trained Eye™ is all about perspective. Come closer and you’ll see dashed lines that seem gestured, almost delicate. Stand back and you’ll see how they assemble, establishing a sweeping scale across the floor.

A New Approach to Collaboration
“Everyone looks at things, and approaches things, differently—as they should. There is beauty in that, and incredible value in the diversity of thought and ideas,” said Vicki de Vuono, vice president of marketing and product development for Bentley. “With Modern Curator, we’re capturing the nuances of varying views, and combining and interpreting them in new, engaging ways for today’s commercial designers and interiors.”

Modern Curator is the first outcome of our new approach to product design and collaboration. Last year, we launched our “studio” – modeled after an interiors studio – that intertwines in-house expertise with outside influences. As Vicki shared with Design Milk, “…looking outside of yourself is vital. Relying on other experts (artists, historians, sociologists…) to bring in unexpected points of view and perspective, and then leveraging in-house expertise to execute in the category you’re in – this is how you unleash innovation for your market and inspire confidence among your team.”
Read more about our studio approach and about Modern Curator Collection No. 1 here.